Currently server configurations are missing from the subscription area however you can find all the configs here:

this is a quick guide for the VPN router on amazon.

(PLEASE NOTE) there is a little yellow switch on the front of the router (next to reset) keep that switch to the left.

VPN Router Guide. User must first connect the VPN router to their main router using the ethernet cable provided. Power cable must be plugged in via USB (plug not included im affraid) I had a USB slot on my main router for power. Once Router is powered and connected via ethernet via the (WAN port) not (LAN port) they can follow the steps in the link below.... its a rough guide. Its not difficult.

VPN Router default login

the above login may change but this is what my VPN router box says. now they follow the steps below.

This same configuration can be added to other VPN routers. This one is the cheapest option we can find. I suggest having the router in the same room to keep the signal strength good to avvoid issues. If possible connect via ethernet cable.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

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