You may find that your internet connection cannot handle full HD streaming and in some worse cases HD. This is due to internet download speed. When using a VPN you need to have a decent fibre optic internet connection. You can test your home internet speed via VPN using the mobile android app then running a speedtest application after connection to the VPN server. If you are getting 10MB/s or less it may suffer with some freezing. You need atleast 15MB/s constantly to ensure no buffering. The only way to improve the speed is improving your internet provider connection. Basically upgrade to a faster speed package. That is out of our hands. We can only provide the servers which are capable of 2000MB/s (2GB/s) which is really more than enough for everyone connecting.

Poor internet? Expect poor results. Upgrade your package to avoid dissapointment. a Full HD stream requires anything up to 13MB/s. The only way you can see your speed is by testing it on the speedtest app or website. Test behind VPN and off VPN to see result differences. Our VPN servers are likely to use atleast 90% of your internet speed and most of the time 100%

Sunday, October 18, 2020

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